Health Care ProvidersCall (205-453-4732) or submit a referral form by FAX (855-856-6735). We will contact your patient, arrange for an appointment date, and send them a confirmation letter with additional information and driving directions. Records can be submitted by mail or FAX. We participate in most major insurance plans.
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation ServicesCall (205-453-4732) or submit an ADRS referral form by FAX (855-856-6735). We can provide appointment dates for you to offer to your consumer or call the consumer to arrange the appointment directly. Records and authorization can be mailed, FAXed, or picked up at the Homewood office or Lakeshore assessment facility. A confirmation letter with additional information and driving directions will be sent to the consumer. Counselors are welcome to attend feedback sessions on the day of assessment, or a telephone consultation after the assessment can be arranged if desired.